Projects & Patents

“Excess fresh water running off into the sea to be conserved and transported via aqua ducts laid in the sea bed. Conveying the fresh water over 7,000 Km is achieved using ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Benefitting NINE states and ONE union territory.”

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“A proposal to use precast structures to construct storm water drains. This will not only reduce the implementation time but also make it cost effective. The innovative concept is to place the precast structure with the manhole facing upwards and others facing the ground between intervals. This will ensure the running water to recharge the ground water by seeping into the earth.

“A 3 Tier system of transport is emphasized to usher in HIGH SPEED TRAINS. It is suggested to lease the air space above the existing railway tracks for private participation. The existing tracks will function as per current plans while the second elevated tracks will cater to high speed trains and the third tier will be a road to service only light motor vehicles.”

“It is suggested to refurbish decommissioned railway coaches into class rooms. The available space can be converted into two class rooms and a staff room in-between. Each coach will provide four toilets each. Mission SWATCH BHARATH.”

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“It is proposed to redesign the existing 3 tier sleeper coach to 4 tier by lowering the floor to accommodate three more berths per cubicle or 27 extra berths per coach this increasing the revenue. It is also proposed to redesign the coach to provide comfort and safety to passengers.”

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“Ocean offers energy in many forms and one of the efficient ocean energy can be derived from the waves. GENERATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY FROM SEA WAVES has received a national award in the INDIA INNOVATION GROWTH PROGRAM – 2007 jointly conducted by FICCI & LOCKHEED MARTIN (US). Renewable energy with no effluents or emissions, a way to energize !

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“Recently the finance ministry has increased the threshold of GST from 20 to 40 lakhs. My suggestion is to provide an option for the MSME to pay 10 % towards GST on 20 lakhs being 2 lakhs per year. In the event of the MSME paying this amount per year, the MSME should be paid back 1 lakh every 5th year and also to provide a life coverage of 5 lakhs to the MSME for regular payments. This scheme can be monitored by the post office and smart cards provided for the purpose to the MSME.”

“Slaughter of cattle has been banned in few states of India, resulting in intrusion of stray cattle on roads and farms. India has over 20% of land reserved as reserve forest. It is suggested to earmark some of these reserve forest for the stray cattle and to bring these cattle into the reserve forest after fencing the area and providing a windmill to pump groundwater to water sheds provided at strategic location inside the forest. The cattle can feed upon the fodder inside the forest and their dung will enrich the soil increasing the lushness of the forest that will attach rain and increase the ground water. A Win Win situation to the cattle and the citizens.

“India is the largest importer of palm oil exceeding 3 billion dollars over the past years. It is suggested to encourage farmers to grow more of oil seeds by reducing the paddy cultivation marginally. This will ensure better usage of land and water. It is estimated that the produce will increase the farmer’s income 3 times since groundnut is sold at INR 90/- per Kg and paddy less than INR 30/- per Kg. Over a period of 5 years the increase in edible oil production will eliminate import of palm oil and save the exchequer over 3 billion dollars and also improve the health of the citizens in consuming better cooking oil.

“The automotive industry in India is currently going through a recession and it is suggested that the industry should look at fresh investments in the electric vehicles segment which will ensure new technology and skill development. It is also suggested that the industry should cut down the production of petrol/diesel vehicles by 20 percent every year and to increase production of electric vehicles by 25 % over the next 5 years. This will ensure better air to breathe, get carbon credits over the years and reduce noise pollution on the roads.

Improved simple pulley
Improved refrigerator
Energy efficient refrigerator
Improved spare wheel brackets for goods carriers
Expandable mobile auditorium
Retractable trailers

“A series of educational play way method of teaching”

This is a game board wherein children can practice 8 arithmetic functions.  This innovative game received a regional award in the contest held by CII.

A card game containing 110 cards giving properties of the first 110 elements. Children will memorize 1,100 properties of the 110 elements in short time span.

A card game for tiny tots to learn and spell alpha numerals without stress.  The child will be able to spell any number in the Indian system within 31 days and spelling of select words from A to Z.

A memory game that introduces road safety signs to children.

Series of educational games
Leisure games

30 plus in the following Industries:
Fire fighting
Science kits
Luggage industry
Writing instruments
Mother and Childcare
Fast Moving Goods