Dr. Wyyuru Amarnath

Professional Summary

In-depth Industry expertise in Textile Technology, spanning 45+ years.

Passionate Creation & Innovation advocate, with expertise in product design and development, implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement.

Guiding and directing students and interns from leading institutions to adopt innovation, creativity and ‘out of box’ thinking to challenge status quo.

Progressive experience in offering Consulting services in Patent drafting, creation and commercialization.

Areas of Expertise

Textile Technologist.

Innovation in Product Design & Development [Pan Industries covering Bicycles, Automobile, Aviation, Health Care, Education, Medical & Child Care, Consumer Durables etc.]

National, Regional & State Award Recipient in Innovation.

Patent Owner | Patent drafting & filing.

Visiting Faculty experience in Renowned educational institutions.

Certified TRIZ Level 1 teacher | Institute of Innovative Design | Russia.

Entrepreneurial Experience

Managing Director | SRI SANKARA WEAVING P LTD.



Educational Qualifications

D.Sc. Institute of Innovative Design | Russia

B.Tech, Alagappa College of Technology | Guindy

Chartered Engineer |The Institution of Engineers (India)

Entrepreneurial Experience

Managing Director | SRI SANKARA WEAVING P LTD.



Educational Qualifications

D.Sc. Institute of Innovative Design | Russia

B.Tech, Alagappa College of Technology | Guindy

Chartered Engineer |The Institution of Engineers (India)

Awards & Honours

2007 - National Award - India Innovation Growth Program | FICCI & Lockheed Martin (US) program – Generating Electrical Energy from Sea waves.

2008 - Regional Award - India Innovation Initiative | CII & DST program.

2009 - State Award - New Product Development | Faculties from Columbia Business School & The Indian Institute of Planning and Management program.

2011 - APPRECIATION AWARD 11 | Mentoring | Citi Micro Entrepreneur Award Winner 2011 | BHARATHIYA YUVA SHAKTI TRUST.

2016 - Placed amongst the top 3,000 startups in India in SMART FIFTY | IIM CALCUTTA INNOVATION PARK & DST.

Patents & Accreditations

Indian - Received TEN (10) patents (Additional 4 pending final inspection).

Patents to be filed– THIRTY (30+).

Visiting faculty at Nettur Technical Training Foundation (NTTF) – Bengaluru to guide postgraduate students on product design.

Invited as a jury member at IIT (M) & College of Engineering - Guindy to evaluate innovative presentations and projects.

Invited to guide students in Department of Manufacture at CEG & IIT (M).

Invited as a Speaker at IIT (Mumbai), IIT (Roorkee), IIT (M) & Munjal University (Delhi).

Invited as a speaker at the Industrial fair INNOPROM at Ekaterinburg in Russia.

Invited as a Jury and addressed students at the Global Industrial Design Forum during the Industrial fair at Ekaterinburg - Russia.

Presented 2 Science Papers at The National Science Congress held at Bengaluru in 2011.

Participated in book release in Delhi (India) organized by Sagacious IP and presented ‘Monetizing Intellectual Property Rights’.

‘Transform India’ Initiative

Ideas being offered to PMO & Government of India

Conservation & Transportation of Fresh Water using atmospheric pressure.

Improved design of storm water drains using pre-cast structures and recharging of ground water.

Three tier surface transport to introduce high speed trains.

Increasing revenue, comfort and safety in Indian Railways.

Refurbishing de-commissioned railway coaches as classrooms.

Ideas to increase revenue through GST and to create a win-win situation to the MSME.

Better management of stray cattle and saving revenue to State exchequer.

Introduction of dual counting at EVM (Electronic Voting Machines).

Innovative ideas to maintain waterways and to bring in revenue.

Innovative ideas to encourage entrepreneurship and to increase employability.

Innovative idea to provide medicines to under privileged citizens.

Suggestions to increase oil seed cultivation and reduction in import of Palm Oil to save 3.3 B $ foreign exchange.

Suggestions to bring in investment and technology to manufacture electric vehicles to improve profitability in automotive industry and to improve air quality.

Mentoring of Entrepreneurs

Member of Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST) for 20 years and have mentored entrepreneurs at BYST and on individual capacity.

Technical paper presentations

Two technical papers were presented at the 26th Indian Engineering Congress - Bangalore 2011 - Institution of Engineers - India (Karnataka State Center).